1. Halal Health and Feed Supplements for Poultry, Large Animal, Aqua.   


The use of acidifier complexes enables minimisation of the development of pathogenic flora in feed and/or water and therefore optimises digestive function by promoting beneficial acidophilus bacteria.

USE :-
We provide ACIDIFIER -L which ensures the growth of the animal and reduces the increase of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal region. The major purpose of using this acidifier is to improve growth performance and better the profitability in poultry production. By the use of Procid- L we make feed and digestive system grow and multiply pathogenic organisms, which increases the productivity immensely.


  • To reduce the pathogen load
  • To improve the FCR
  • To prevent respiratory problem due to increase ammonia level
  • To prevent the incidences of Salmonellosis and Colibacillosis

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We are leading manufacturer and exporter of SWISS CHEMIE Special (  ) and our product is made up of good quality.

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