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buy poultry feed enzymes

07 / Feb 22

Buy Poultry Feed Enzymes | Feed Additive Enzymes For Poultry Production

Poultry Feed enzymes strengthen the digestibility of the feed nutrients in animals. Protease enzymes are the newest technology on the block, with animal or vegetable protein as their substrate. They break down anti-nutritional factors associated with various proteins. Proteases improve the digestion of proteins and increase amino acid availability, which helps release valuable nutrients.

Enzymes improve the digestibility of carbohydrates in feed ingredients. This improved digestibility increases the availability of energy in the small intestine to help promote growth and other production processes.

Poultry feed enzymes: Enzyme is a biological catalyst composed of proteins, amino acids with minerals and vitamins. The advantages of using commercial enzymes in poultry feeds include improved productive performance and feed utilization, minimized environmental pollution due to reduced nutrient of manure.

Enzymes used in poultry feed: Three classes of enzymes (phytases, carbohydrases, and proteases) are typically considered for use in poultry feeds.

Increases body weight & better feed utilisation.
Used for better growth and performance.
Increases the digestive capacity of animals & birds.
It mobilises storage fats in animals.
Improves nutrient availability.
Phytin phosphorus is converted into available form.
The utilisation of other minerals is improved like Ca, Mg, Iron, Zn etc.
Tackling antinutritional factors and energy availability.
Increases egg production & eggshell breakage is reduced.
Hydrolyses non-starch polysaccharides.
Digest high molecular weight beta-glucans in gain & cereal-based feeds and can be used in the treatment of endosperm cell walls which contains about 70% beta-glucans.
Improve separations, reduce viscosity and modify or completely hydrolyse cellulose.
Mpzymes reduces the feed consumption of the bird.  


It helps to digest proteins in the feed.

High energy generation
Wide range
of protein digestion
Minimizes the effect of anti-nutritional factors


It is a complex enzyme mixture that contains endo, Exo and beta activities. It helps in the easy digestion of cellulosic fibres in the feed.

Fibre digestion
High energy
Improves digestion
in animal


It catalysis the hydrolysis of indigestible phytic acid into an organic form of phosphorus.

Phytic Acid Degradation
Phosphorous Absorption
Increases Availability Of Feed Nutrients

The carbohydrase class of enzymes includes xylanases, glucanases, and amylases. They act in the stomach to break down and degrade carbohydrates such as fibre, starch, and non-starch polysaccharides into simple sugars that provide energy for use by the animal.

Poultry feed Enzymes are biological catalysts that instil biochemical reactions without any self-transformation. These are made up of amino acids arranged in a sequence. They accelerate chemical reactions of the living cells for certain nutrients from feedstuffs for the tissues andorgans. Enzymes are not living organisms, but are products of living organisms, for example, bacteria, plant tissue, fungi and yeast. Poultry Feed enzymes strengthen the digestibility of the feed nutrients in animals.

The enzymes commonly used in poultry feed bestow a gamut of benefits to both poultry producers that too without any adverse effects on the environment.

We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of SWISS CHEMIE Special raw materials and our product is made up of good quality.

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