1. Halal Health and Feed Supplements for Poultry, Large Animal, Aqua.   


Premix Powder PricePremix Manufacturer Supplier Wholesaler & Exporter

A premix is a mixture of vitamins, trace minerals, medicaments, feed supplements, and diluents. It is a value-added solution for feeds with sustainable safety and quality.

Premix usually refers to a substance or object which is mixed in an early stage in the manufacturing and distribution process. The term may refer to Compound feed, animal food. Premix and postmix, methods of serving soft drinks.

Prevents vitamin & mineral deficiency and gives quick relief from the stress caused due to Vaccinations, Debeaking, Deworming, Disease, Transportation, Shifting, Climatic, disturbances High & low productions Summer, etc.

Large Veterinary Farm Animals Vaccines Price List
We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of SWISS CHEMIE Special (Premix) and our product is made up of good quality.

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