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importance of enzymes in animals nutrition

09 / Jan 20

Importance of enzymes in animals nutrition

In animals, an important function of enzymes is to help digest food. Digestive enzymes speed up reactions that break down large molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller molecules the body can use.

Enzymes allow reactions to occur at the rate necessary for life. In animals, an important function of enzymes is to help digest food. Without digestive enzymes, animals would not be able to break down food molecules quickly enough to provide the energy and nutrients they need to survive

Enzymes catalyze all kinds of chemical reactions that are involved in growth, blood coagulation, healing, diseases, breathing, digestion, reproduction, and many other biological activities.

The key benefits of enzymes improve feed efficiency and reduce the cost of production of meat and eggs. Enzymes improve the consistency of feed that helps in the maintenance of gut health and the digestion process results in overcoming the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

The Importance of Enzymes in Plants and Animals Essay. Enzymes are biological catalysts, which accelerate the speed of chemical reactions in the body without being used up or changed in the process. Without enzymes, most physiological processes would not take place.

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